Staffordshire, UK
Run by the Community for the Community
Thirlmere Way Community Centre

Meadow road development

Youth shelter
Pathway inmprovements
Pedestrian entrance arch
Plaza style Skate and BMX park
Group swing
Zip Wire
Outdoor Gym equipment
Update 10th June 2013
Monday 10th June saw the start of the building work on Meadow Road Play Park. Below are a selection of photo's showing how it has developed over the next few weeks. The completion date is expected to be 12th July with the official opening event planned for Saturday 17th August by the Mayor of Stafford.

Update 15th February 2013
We have now chosen the preferred developer,Wicksteeds, who will present the final design shortly. The skate and bmx plaza still needs some imput from local users to help with the final layout. It is hoped to hold a meeting with interested parties towards the end of February. Date, Time and location will be publicised in advance so watch this space.
It is hoped that the project will now be completed at the end of July 2013.
Update 12th September 2012
The proposed time scales for this new developement are:-
Project start February 2013
Groundworks March 2013
Footpath and Access Improvemnets March 2013
Tree Planting March 2013
Installation of Green Gym April 2013
Installation of Skate Plaza May 2013
Play area Improvements May 2013
Official Opening and Community Games Event May 2013
These are only projected dates and may change due to unforeseen circumstances
Update 15th August 2012
The origional 106 money from the Borough Council, £58,000, has now been agreed in cabinet to be released to the project which will be used for matched funding. Other applications have been submitted for the remaining £65,000 and are awaiting a decision. One application is to the Queen Elizabeth II Fields in Trust which would protect the whole site as a legacy to her Diamond Jubilee.